Dr. Steel earned her doctoral degree from Life-West Chiropractic College and obtained a postgraduate diploma in Digestive Health. She has been awarded membership into the prestigious academic honor society, Phi Beta Kappa.

Her education curriculum includes a deep understanding of the health sciences including anatomy & physiology plus academic disciplines in physical empowerment and health transformation solutions. She has completed hundreds of hours in postgraduate training and maintains a commitment to excellence in continued education.



I was going from doctor to doctor in order to find a solution to my thyroid issues. I am thankful the medical doctors had the professional expertise to originally diagnose my thyroid problem, however each doctor wanted to put me on some sort of different medication. One of the recommended medications was supposed to decrease my immune system, another could cause my condition to get worse before it got better and some were recommended that might cause anxiety, trouble sleeping, irritability and mood swings. Not necessarily the route I wanted to go. 

As a holistic health practitioner, I knew there was another way. I know the body heals itself and it wants to be in homeostatic balance. So, I seriously put my graduate degree to work and vigorously researched journal articles, textbooks and reference guides on natural ways to heal through nutrition.

With the correct natural healing protocols and completely transforming my diet, within weeks the results of my blood tests showed that my thyroid hormone levels were back to normal. Plus, after months of frustration, I finally felt energized and clear minded again!

By utilizing the natural health principles, it wasn't just my thyroid that got better. My acne cleared up, my mood improved, rashes on my skin went away, my body naturally settled at my goal weight, my hormones were balanced, low grade addictions to certain foods were eliminated and food cravings left. I was extremely grateful and felt an immense sense of peace and freedom. 

I truly believe it is my purpose in life to share the knowledge of natural health. I am an open book to those who want to learn and apply the methods. By using mother nature's nutritional bounty of unprocessed fruits and vegetables, along with some deep healing techniques including fasting and fresh juice cleansing plus possible herbs and supplements - the body can get masterful support in innately healing itself. 

Whether you are suffering with thyroid issues, emotional eating, unwanted weight gain, digestive problems or any other health concern(s) that you think can be helped without drugs or surgery - I am here to be your nutritional pilot. Stick with me and we will get you to where you want to go in your health, naturally!


Now is the time to say goodbye to current discomfort and hello to a lifetime of happiness. Learn more about how we can help you and contact our practice today @ (925) 284 – 5582 to book your first visit. We can’t wait to meet you!

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